Học DevOps DevSecOps từ Red Hat

DevOps là gì?

DevSecOps là gì?

CI / CD là gì?

Học Devops là học cái gì?

Tui đã soạn 1 tài liệu bằng tiếng Việt cho mọi người ở đây

1 cách nữa là làm lab DevOps All in One theo Red Hat để biết cụ thể là làm gì

  • Welcome to OpenShift
  • Lab 01 – API Design
  • Lab 02 – API Mocking
  • Lab 03 – Fuse Online
  • Lab 04 – Managing API Endpoints
  • Lab 05 – API Security
  • Lab 06 – API Developer Portal
  • Lab 07 – Testing Your Application

Agile Integrations Workshop – Citizen Integrator

  • Welcome to OpenShift
  • Lab 01 – API Design
  • Lab 02 – API Mocking
  • Lab 03 – Swagger to REST
  • Lab 04 – SOAP to REST (Optional)
  • Lab 05 – Fuse Online
  • Lab 06 – Managed API Endpoints
  • Lab 07 – API Developer Portal
  • Lab 08 – API Consumption

Agile Integrations Workshop – Developer

  • Exercise 1.0 – Running Ad hoc commands
  • Exercise 1.1 – Writing Your First Playbook
  • Exercise 1.2 – Running Your Playbook
  • Exercise 1.3 – Using Variables, Loops, and Handlers
  • Exercise 1.4 – Running the apache-basic-playbook
  • Exercise 1.5 – Roles: Making your playbooks reusable
  • Exercise 2.0 – Installing Ansible Tower
  • Exercise 2.1 – Configuring Ansible Tower
  • Exercise 2.2 – Creating and Running a Job Template
  • Exercise 3.0 – Using Ansible to Implement Security

Ansible Automation Workshop

  • Exercise 1.0 – Configuring Ansible Tower
  • Exercise 1.1 – Creating and Running a Job Template

Ansible Tower – an Introduction

  • Lab 1.0 – Workshop introduction
  • Lab 2.0 – Container registries
  • Lab 3.0 – Intro to Podman and base images
  • Lab 4.0 – Linux kernel capabilities
  • Lab 5.0 – SELinux container integration
  • Lab 6.0 – Container inspection with Podman & Skopeo
  • Lab 7.0 – Container image signing
  • Lab 8.0 – Composing containers with Buildah
  • Conclusion – Closing thoughts & homework

Container Security – A Practical Introduction

  • Exercise 1.0 – Install buildah, skopeo, and podman
  • Exercise 1.1 – Pulling and Running Container Images
  • Exercise 1.2 – Working with Container Images
  • Exercise 1.3 – Working with the Dockerfile
  • Exercise 1.4 – Working with a Container Registry

Containers 101 Workshop

  • Login Tour – Wetty
  • Lab 01 – Welcome to OpenShift
  • Lab 02 – Trusted Software Supply Chain
  • Lab 03 – CI/CD Project and Pods
  • Lab 04 – Jenkins and OpenShift
  • Lab 05 – Creating Your Pipeline
  • Lab 06 – Build App Stage
  • Lab 07 – Test Stage
  • Lab 08 – Static Application Security Testing
  • Lab 09 – Archive App
  • Lab 10 – Create Image Builder
  • Lab 11 – Build Image
  • Lab 12 – Create and Deploy to Dev
  • Lab 13 – Promote and Deploy to Stage
  • Lab 14 – Run Pipeline
  • Lab 15 – Trigger the Software Supply Chain
  • Lab 16 – Create Quay Account
  • Lab 17 – Clair Vulnerability Scan
  • Lab 18 – OpenSCAP DISA STIG Scan

DevSecOps Workshop – Secure Software Factory

  • Exercise 1 – The Mount Namespace
  • Exercise 2 – PID and IPC Namespaces
  • Exercise 3 – Network and UTS Namespaces
  • Exercise 4 – User Namespace
  • Exercise 5 – All Together Now
  • Exercise 6 – Changing the Filesystem
  • Exercise 7 – Container Networking

Linux Containers the Hard Way

  • Lab – Login & Tour of Wetty
  • Lab – Login & Tour of OpenShift
  • Lab – Building and Deploying a Fast-Moving Monolith
  • Lab – Strangle Your Monolith
  • Lab – Microservice Integration Patterns

Microservices Workshop – Strangling the Monolith

  • Lab 1 – Welcome
  • Lab 2 – BYO Container
  • Lab 2.1 – Reviewing container details
  • Lab 2.2 – Clean-up & Summary
  • Lab 3 – Deploying an App with S2I
  • Lab 3.1 – Check out the build details
  • Lab 4 – Developing and Managing Your Application
  • Lab 5 – Webhooks and Rollbacks
  • Lab 6 – Application Replication
  • Lab 6.1 – Application Recovery
  • Lab 6.2 – Application Health
  • Lab 7 – Labels
  • Lab 8 – CI / CD Pipeline
  • Lab 9 – Blue | Green Deployment

OpenShift 4 101

  • Lab 1 – Welcome
  • Lab 2 – BYO Container
  • Lab 3 – Install Dynatrace Agent
  • Lab 4 – Configuring Dynatrace ActiveGate (Optional)
  • Lab 5 – Deploying an App with S2I
  • Lab 6 – Deploying a 3 Tier App
  • Lab 7 – Developing and Managing Your Application
  • Lab 8 – Webhooks and Rollbacks (Optional)
  • Lab 9 – Replication and Recovery (Optional)
  • Lab 10 – Labels (Optional)
  • Lab 11 – Webhooks and Rollbacks (Optional)
  • Lab 12 – Blue | Green Deployment (Optional)

OpenShift 4 101 w/Dynatrace

  • Exercise 1.0 – Welcome to RHEL!
  • Exercise 1.1 – What’s New in RHEL 8
  • Exercise 1.2 – Tour of the Web Console
  • Exercise 1.3 – Managing Updates Using the Web Console
  • Exercise 1.4 – Configuring Terminal Session Recording
  • Exercise 1.5 – Managing Cryptographic Policies
  • Exercise 1.6 – Managing Software in an Application Stream
  • Exercise 1.7 – OpenSCAP Security Compliance Scanning
  • Exercise 1.8 – Introduction to using buildah, podman and skopeo to work on containers
  • Exercise 1.9 – System Roles with Ansible

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

  • Exercise 1.0 – Introduction to Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux)
  • Exercise 1.1 – Introduction to SELinux
  • Exercise 1.2 – SELinux Contexts
  • Exercise 2.0 – Creating Custom SELinux Policy
  • Exercise 2.1 – Generating a generic policy
  • Exercise 2.2 – Creating a Custom SELinux Application Policy
  • Exercise 2.3 – Creating Policy Rules for Network Access
  • Exercise 2.4 – Finishing the Policy

SELinux Policy Workshop

  • Microservices
  • Deploy Your Own Terminal
  • Setup
  • Intro to Service Mesh – Deploying an App
  • Intro to Service Mesh – Building a Microservice
  • Observability – Kiali
  • Observability – Feature Update
  • Observability – Grafana
  • Observability – Jaeger
  • Traffic Control – Routing Traffic
  • Traffic Control – Traffic Splitting
  • Traffic Control – Fault Injection
  • Traffic Control – Circuit Breaking
  • Security – mTLS
  • Security – Verifying mTLS
  • Security – Auth Policy Prep
  • Security – Auth Policy
  • Security – Securing Ingress and Egress

zOpenShift Service Mesh